SOWSCO Well Services (Nig.) Ltd. places paramount importance on industrial harmony and good working relationship with the host communities wherever we work. As a corporate body, we have therefore evolved policies towards the affairs of the community in which we work as follows:
- Pay homage to the host community before the mobilization to site for any job.
- Maintain good relationship with the host community in which we work at all times.
- Participate to the best of our ability in their development programmes.
- Respect their culture and tradition by obeying and paying attention to their laws and customs.
- Evolve and maintain a line of communication with the host community or government even during periods of crisis by using the option of dialogue.
- Educate the community of any hazards posed by our operations or products.
- Generally carry out our operations in such a way as to minimize any negative impact of our operation on the environment.
- Offer gainful employment to the youths of our host community, where feasible and appropriate.